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Leveraging Education And Research Now (LEARN) Lab

The mission of the LEARN Lab at KU Medical Center is to be a leader in education research across the health professions. Our vision is to inspire exemplary health care education through impactful, innovative and collaborative education research.

Founded in 2018, the lab began with six KU physical therapy faculty who came together to better understand education and learning in physical therapy through formal research. Upon inception, the lab was called the Leveraging Education And Research iN Physical Therapy (LEARN PT) Lab.

In 2021, the lab name was changed to the Leveraging Education And Research Now (LEARN) Lab to be inclusive of the department’s athletic training faculty and encourage the prospect of future interprofessional collaboration. This expansion led to the addition of an athletic training component of the lab (LEARN AT Lab), alongside the originally established LEARN PT Lab.

The LEARN Lab is dedicated to moving research forward in health professions education.

Research in the LEARN Lab

Each LEARN lab member has their own education research interests and welcomes collaborations. Those interested in research collaborations are encouraged to contact a specific LEARN lab member with common interests.

Research interests of the LEARN lab include the following:

  • Admissions.
  • Assessment.
  • Clinical education.
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • Grit and burnout.
  • Humanities.
  • Interprofessional education.
  • Pro-bono service.
  • Program outcomes.
  • Simulation.

LEARN Lab Core Members

The LEARN Lab also has affiliate and student members and collaborates with others on education research. If interested in learning more or collaborating, please reach out to one of our core members listed above.


See LEARN LAB accomplishments

* The athletic training component of the LEARN lab is in progress and not available at this time. 

KU School of Health Professions

University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science, and Athletic Training
Mail Stop 2002
3901 Rainbow Blvd.
Kansas City, KS 66160
