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Scheduling Research Facilities

Core facilities at KU Medical Center use a centralized scheduling system to accommodate requests from our campus community and external users.

To facilitate access to our diverse research cores, KU Medical Center uses an application called Bookkit. The tool allows researchers across the university and off-site collaborators to search for equipment of interest. Bookkit also simplifies the process of scheduling research facilities at KU Medical Center, including the Mitochondrial Genomics and Metabolism Core, Flow Cytometry Core, Histology Core and more.

Follow these steps to begin:

  1. Create an account on KU Medical Center researchers should use their email address.
  2. Access training materials and guides for Bookkit on its website.  
  3. Log in and search for research resources.

For KU Medical Center researchers

KU Medical Center researchers can visit the intranet for additional training information and answers to frequently asked questions.

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