Cheryl E. Skinner, M.Sc., RRT, CPFT

Program Director, Respiratory Care Degree Advancement, Respiratory Care and Diagnostic Science
Clinical Assistant Professor, Respiratory Care and Diagnostic Science
cskinner@kumc.eduProfessional Background
Cheryl Skinner, M.Sc., RRT, CPFT, currently serves as an instructor for both the on-campus bachelor’s degree program and the online degree-completion program. She is director and primary advisor for the online degree-advancement program for respiratory therapists wanting to obtain a bachelor’s degree from KU.
With her experience in patient advocacy, staff development, and best practices, Skinner brings vision, enthusiasm and professionalism to the department and its academic programs.
Professional Background
Skinner joined the KU program in the summer of 2015 as a clinical assistant professor. She brings to KU her experience from the clinical setting as a manager of a diverse cardiopulmonary service department from a critical access hospital in northeast Kansas.
Her experience includes developing and managing a cardiac rehabilitation program and sleep disorders center as well as managing a full-service respiratory, echo, and vascular department. In addition, she instructed and set up sleep apnea devices for patients through the hospital durable medical equipment services.
Skinner completed her associate's degree in respiratory therapy in fall 2007. While working as a respiratory therapist, she completed her bachelor’s degree in health care management at Ottawa University, Ottawa, Kansas. She is currently working toward a master’s degree in respiratory care leadership at Northeastern University.