Verification Policy
Students selected for verification have been chosen to have the information they reported on their FAFSA checked for accuracy. Verification must be completed before receiving federal financial aid.
Sometimes students are randomly selected for verification, and sometimes a student is selected on the basis of criteria established prior to the school year.
Only students who are selected for verification will receive an email notification that this requirement must be completed. This will also be reflected on the To-Do List in the Student Center.
A student who is selected for verification must complete this process before any federal aid can be awarded. If you receive your financial aid award and then make changes to the FAFSA that result in you being selected for verification, we are required to put a hold on future financial aid disbursements until the verification process is completed.
Review Process for Verification
- A financial aid coordinator will compare your tax documents to the information that was submitted on the FAFSA.
- If any conflicting information exists or if any documentation is missing, the financial aAid Coordinator will contact you via KU Medical Center email to let you know what we still need. The additional form(s) may be attached as a Microsoft Word attachment. You are encouraged to read the attachments carefully and follow the directions stated on the document(s).
- Any submitted documentation (including signed written statements, tax documents, and signed and completed forms) must have your ID number on the form for identification purposes.
- We will communicate using your KU Medical Center email address. To protect your privacy, we will not communicate this information using any other email address, so please be sure to check your KU Medical Center email frequently.
- Once all documentation has been received, including any requests for additional, conflicting, or missing information, the financial aid coordinator will make necessary corrections to your FAFSA on your behalf.
- You will then receive notification from the federal processor regarding the updates in a new Student Aid Report (SAR).
- When verification is complete and if there are no other items to complete on the To-Do list, you receive an award notification.
Documentation Required
Students are encouraged to read the verification worksheet carefully and submit all required documentation in a timely manner. If the IRS data retrieval tool was used, no additional documents are required other than the appropriate verification worksheet. If the IRS data retrieval tool was not used, an IRS tax transcript summary must be obtained and a photocopy must be submitted.
You may request a tax transcript online from the IRS. If you have not already, you will need to create an account by providing your name, email address, and your social security number and answering some security questions. Select the Higher Education/Student Aid section and select the correct transcript year.
Your transcript will be emailed to you and you can print or send it electronically with your verification worksheet to The verification worksheet for the appropriate award year must also be submitted.
Any information that is incomplete, not clear, or inconsistent will need to be clarified, so email notifications containing attachments specific to the situation will be sent out.
For Dependent Students Only
- Verification Worksheet - Dependent Students (must be signed by both a parent and the student)
- Copy of parent(s)' IRS Tax Transcript Summary, if filed
- Copy of student's IRS Tax Transcript Summary, if filed
- Verification
For Independent Students Only
- Verification Worksheet - Independent Students (must be signed by the student. If married, spouse signature is optional)
- Copy of student's (and spouse, if married) IRS tax transcript summary, if filed
It is understood that verification can be confusing at times. If you have any questions throughout the process. please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid at 913-588-5170 or email