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Tuition/Fee Deferment

Avoid late fees. Contact the Office of Student Financial Aid if your financial aid is not available when tuition and fees payment is due.

If your financial aid is not available when your tuition and fees payment is due, the tuition and fees may be deferred upon request.

You must have completed the FAFSA and have a complete financial aid file. Health insurance fees cannot be deferred at enrollment.

If you have not requested your tuition and fees be deferred, or you have not paid by the payment deadline, you may be assessed a late fee.

For more information, contact the Office of Student Financial Aid at 913-588-5170 or email

Student Financial Aid

University of Kansas Medical Center
Student Financial Aid Office
Mailstop 4005
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, Kan. 66160

Location: G035 Dykes Library
: 913-588-5170
Fax: 913-588-8841