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Planning Events and Outreach

The Office of Student Life provides resources to student organizations to help facilitate the planning of student events and outreach on behalf of the group or cause the group supports.

Resources for Planning and Promoting Events

Event Planning Checklist

  • Know the Needs of Your Population
    Decide what sort of information would be useful for your attendees.
  • Brainstorm Possible Ideas
    Decide the best way to present the information to your audience.
  • Plan Your Event
    Set the goals you will to accomplish.
    Create a timeline to follow and stick to it.
    Contact the speaker. Send follow-up letter with program information and directions if requested.
  • Make Arrangements for Your Event
    Set a date.
    Reserve a room.
    Assign responsibilities.
    Plan a budget.
    Order food and equipment at least 10 days in advance.
  • Publicize
    Don't forget to include: Name of the event, date, time, place, admission charge, sponsors and accommodation statement.
    Post event information on campus event calendar online.
    Bring fliers by the Office of Student Life and we will post them for you.
    Write event information the day before the event on chalkboards and whiteboards around campus.
  • The Event
    Arrive early.
    Thank all those involved.
    Send speakers thank you cards.
    Be sure to clean up afterwards.
  • Evaluate the Event
    Create a system to determine if your goals were met.
    Suggestions: questionnaire, suggestion box, verbal feedback, own observations or focus groups.


Co-sponsorship is sharing the planning and implementation of an event. Co-sponsorship not only provides a source to help share the expense of the event, but also provides more people to help with brainstorming and manpower. When considering a co-sponsorship opportunity with another student organization, consider the following suggestions:

  • Proposal
    Which organization would you like to invite for your co-sponsorship opportunity? Write down some reasons why the group will benefit? Include how much each group will contribute financially.
  • Set meeting
    Once you have a few reasons for co-sponsorship, contact the president/student director of the organization. Ask to meet with this individual to discuss your proposal.
  • Brainstorm
    Once both parties agree to work together on the event, gather the organizations' members to brainstorm ideas and logistics about the program. Use these ideas to set goals for the event.
  • Delegate
    To involve both organizations, create a to-do list and ask members from both organizations to commit to a particular assignment. Communicate frequently with one another. Remember: it is important that both organizations are actively involved in the planning process for a true collaboration.
  • Program
    Make sure as many members from each organization as possible attends the program and recruits others to attend.
  • Evaluate
    Once the event is complete, hold a joint meeting to discuss the successes of the event and possible suggestions for the future. Be sure to share both the credit and the blame! 

Event Evaluations

Once the event is completed, it is important to collect data from your attendees and organization members to determine its success. This information will help your group identify areas for improvement as well as help in planning events in the future.

Questions you may want to consider for your event evaluation include:

  • What did you enjoy most about the program?
  • What improvements would you suggest?
  • How did you hear about this event?
  • Why did you choose to attend this event?
  • Are you glad you attended this event? Why or why not?
  • Would you like to get invovled in our organization? If so, please list your contact information.
  • Please feel free to suggest a future program.

Student Communication Guidelines

In order to support the cultural shift in communication methods at KU Medical Center, all parties are encouraged to utilize the communication tools that have been implemented (i.e. MyKUMC and campus calendar). However, some situations might still warrant the use of a broadcast message. This document serves to provide some guidelines on when and how a broadcast will be sent. Please note, broadcast emails reach only university students and staff, but are not sent to health system staff.

KU Medical Center Communication Methods

  • Campus Calendar: The KU Medical Center Events Calendar is the central record for all scheduled events and activities sponsored by KU Medical Center and the primary means to announce events. The calendar is appropriate for medical center, school and/or organization sponsored events and serves as a helpful resource when planning future events.
  • MyKUMC: The MyKUMC portal is a web-based application that is intended to aggregate information and services in a secure, easy, consistent and personalized way. The announcement channel should be used to give details on projects that cannot be advertised on the calendar (ex: a clothing drive).
  • Groupwise Email: KU Medical Center provides electronic mail (“email”) to students when engaging in activities related to the university mission and follows the email guidelines. Public groups exist in Groupwise that target specific student populations on campus. Students may use the public student groups to contact other students.
  • Broadcast: Broadcast emails are used for general announcements and business to staff, faculty and students. Broadcast email is used on an as-needed basis, typically for annual events and special occasions (ex: Student Research Forum). Particular entities on campus have access to broadcast. There are guidelines that will be followed when determining if a broadcast should be sent.

Email Grievance
The email guidelines are available in the Student Email Use Policy. These guidelines apply to any email sent, whether from an individual or broadcast account. If you believe an email that has been sent is a misuse of the stated policy, please contact the Associate Vice Chancellor for Information Technology or Chief Information Officer.

Bulletin Boards

Bulletin boards are provided throughout the campus for posting notices about special events and meetings. The taping of signs and posters to walls, doors and glass is prohibited. The Office of Student Life is responsible for displaying and removing your organization's signs on the university side of campus. University bulletin boards are located in all university buildings and are designated with a sign that reads, "University Postings Only".  Drop 30 posters/fliers off to the Office of Student Life at least one week prior to your scheduled event or meeting. 

In order to post signs on the hospital side of campus, all materials must be delivered to the valet desk of the hospital. Posters should be 8½ x 11 in size and should include both a sponsoring organization and date for removal. 30 copies are requested. All signs will be posted Wednesday mornings.  

What to Include in Publicity

At a minimum, posters should include the group name sponsoring the event, contact information and date, time and location of your event. In addition, the Equal Opportunities Office requires the following statement to be included on all KU Medical Center displayed publicity:

“KU Medical Center is committed to equal opportunity and nondiscrimination in all programs and activities, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability or veteran status. Disability accommodation requests should be directed to Academic Accommodations Services, 913-945-7035 or

If space is at a premium, use the following statement instead: “KUMC is an AA/EO/Title IX institution”. 

Learn more about our Equal Opportunity Statement and Policy.

Visual Identity Brand Standards

When promoting events on campus, it is important to maintain university brand standards. Review brand guidelines and access available templates. Review brand guidelines and access available templates.

How to Make a Room Reservation

Most rooms on campus are reserved through Instructional Services (TLT Media). In addition to room reservations, Instructional Services offers the following services: check out of audio-visual and multimedia equipment, projectionist's services, video production and recording, audio conferencing, distance education, satellite downlink, and video duplication. 

Call 913-588-7326 or email to contact Instructional Services and reserve a space. 

Requesting a Tables and Chair Set-Up

Facilities Management must be contacted if you need a table or chair set-up on campus. Please note that there might be a charge affiliated with work request orders. Facilities require a minimum of two weeks prior notice.

Depending on the purpose and timing of your function, Facilities Management might allow your organization to set up and take down your own tables and chairs, thus sparing your organization the fee. 

This is a privilege that student organizations have enjoyed for several years.  In order to maintain our relationship with Facilities Management, please be sure to clean all tables and store the items as they were found.

To pursue this option, please complete the event services request form (requires network authentication).

Additional Resources

Office of Student Life
1006 Orr Major
Mail Stop 4018
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160