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Frequently called numbers

Unit name Number
Directory Assistance and Information 913-588-5000
Emergency Repair Service (Facilities Management)
Strictly for after hours (between 4 p.m.-7:30 a.m. on weekdays and all day on weekends and holidays)
Emergency Room 913-588-6500
Employment Benefits 913-588-5087
Employment Verification 913-588-5086
Find a Doctor/Physician Referral (website) 913-588-1227
Hospital Executive Office 913-588-1270
Human Resources (website) 913-588-5080
Lost and Found (Hospital) 913-588-1234
Lost and Found (University website) 913-588-7166

Media Hotline

Patient Admitting 913-588-5804
Patient Information (Hospital Information Desk, patient room numbers) 913-588-5800
Registrar's Office (website) 913-588-7055
Academic and Student Affairs (website) 913-588-4698
University Police (website) 913-588-5030